In earlier times, people understood their connection with animals to be a spiritual principle. The original stories about the sacredness of all life can be found on walls of caves and temples and the first ancient writings. This original knowledge still exists in the basic writings of world religions and philosophies. Yet, virtually no Western religion today teaches its adherents how to practice compassion toward all species and how to protect the natural world.

What happened?

Could misinterpretation of the religions’ texts, and an incomplete understanding of the meaning of spirituality be why the human species continues to cause pain and anxiety upon the other animal world -- as shown by unnecessary animal experimentation, inhumane slaughtering methods, using animals in “sport” and entertainment, and the wanton destruction of animals who live in the wild.

What happened?

When and why did the other animals become invisible in our spiritual adventure? Why did we place ourselves over and above all other animals in some sort of hierarchal system? Did the separation come about simply because of our material wants and needs? Or, are there reasons that we have yet to imagine -- beyond religion, science, and history?

What happened?

Thursday, April 18, 2013


 It was an honor to speak at one of the most popular bookstores in the country, the MOBY DICKENS, 124 Bent Street in Taos NM to discuss THE QUESTION.  The Moby Dickens bookshop offers book events for authors and their reading audience to meet and discuss their books in a cozy, friendly atmosphere. The discussion revolved around the secret that must be revealed in order to answer the animals' QUESTION, "What Happened to the Animal-Human Spiritual Connection?"  (May 18th)

    UPDATE MAY 25:  At first I thought no one would come to the book talk with so much else going on in Taos. May 18th was a special day in the town.  Celebratory activities were vying for people's attention -- special art shows and a street fair concert were in full swing. The music could be heard well past the Moby Dickens bookshop.  One could hardly get through the main street by car or even on foot. Taos NM is one of the most visited tourist towns in the Southwest.  Renowned for its art galleries, musical events and natural beauty, people seek the works of artists who celebrate the sacred in their inner world; as well as the beauty of their outer world influenced by the American Indian traditions of the Southwest.  
           With so much going on, I was relieved when several people stopped in to the Moby Dickens to find the room set aside for authors seeking readers.  I think they were tempted by the bookstore host Betty's homemade cookies, as well as the champagne and popcorn we provided.  Never mind.  I was happy to have them join us.  The talk-discussion was recorded and posted on youtube by Jay Moore, the bookshop's new owner.‎ 
            I opened the discussion with the idea that I believe there is one, ONE singular Secret that keeps the other animals out of humanity's spiritual belief systems.  Secret has been embodied in the book to be as real as the human visitors; and is the primary force holding the story together.  As a live being, he is able to talk to the humans and animals who have travelled to Sanctuary to find the answer to 
         SECRET tells the heroes they KNOW the secret which is kept hidden by people throughout the world. He suggests that, once revealed and accepted by people everywhere -- human behavior toward all animals might change; thus affecting the health of our planet worldwide.  Knowing the secret and responding to the truth it reveals could drive the evolutionary path of Humanity. 
         Rudolph Steiner spoke about it, Edgar Cayce pondered it, Rupert Sheldrake revealed it without using its name. Charles Darwin, Jane Goodall, Linda Tellington-Jones, Penelope Smith, Gloria Steinem, Robert Thurman, Michael Roads and others have revealed the Secret in their writings and actions.  They don't know they are revealing the Secret.  These great people don't have to name it -- their life's work reveals the Secret by what they do.  I named it.  Seemed like the right thing to do.

            A door creaked open from somewhere at the edge of Sanctuary. A door?  How could a door exist in this open setting with no walls? It was a door all right. The portal had not been opened – ever! The echoes of its opening reverberated across the cosmos itself. Every scrape, grate, grind, jangle and clank screeched through my bones. No one or no thing could harm us here in Sanctuary. Or could they? I shivered.
            Dim light filled Sanctuary. It was the kind of light one sees entering the darkest corners of the mind. “My God!” Cleric said out loud. “The door is in my mind!” The group began to get agitated. The clearing filled with an uncomfortable vibration. Some one or some thing had entered Sanctuary uninvited, and was walking toward us.  Who was this strange being? He seemed to be more like a shadow than a figure with substance.  Someone recognized him.
          Fearfully, he uttered his name. “It’s Secret!” We all knew who he was, all right. We’ve heard him in the speeches of world leaders and observed him in the actions of politicians fighting to stay in power. We’ve seen him in the faces of little schoolgirls whispering in a corner of a playground. I saw him at a circus once. The elephants, dressed in bright red and gold brocade, walked stiffly around center ring. Ringmaster ceaselessly snapped his whip at their ankles. Ankles made painfully sore by the steel cuffs linked to short chains attached tightly to them immediately after the show. They would remain standing, unable to take a step for hours through the night until the next performance...
           … For the first time since we arrived, we became one mind. And as one mind, we wanted him to go away. Embarrassed by our reaction, we couldn’t look at each other. After all, we were invited by the animals to discuss an important question that could affect the very evolution of life on Earth. Who invited this fellow? We’ve traveled across time and space in peace to get here. He was disturbing it.
            Secret spoke. “I’ve never been outside of you. Ever. I live where no one wants to admit they know me. You keep me buried in the dark shadows of your minds hidden from your friends and families.” He appeared to shrink a bit more if that were possible. “Sometimes you don’t acknowledge I’m inside you. Sometimes you do. When that happens, I am sent into the abyss of your secret selves where I become lost for days. Often years.”
            We faced him warily. How could this scrubby being we’d hidden away for so long be walking free outside of our selves? … Walking from person to person, he bowed before each one of us and softly said our names. How could he know our names?...
            ...When he approached the animals, the atmosphere changed. “These innocent beings hold no secrets,” he said gently. Of course! The animals invited him, even though they knew we would dread his presence. A warm breeze filled the clearing and swept away all our feelings of doubt. Bird song and animal hum resumed. It was going to be a good day after all...
           ...  Somehow I knew I could trust him even though he made the hair on the back of my head stand up… The little fellow began to sway, then bobbed up and down in a curious dance. As he slowly whirled around the fire, he chanted softly. I could hardly hear him...
          “You know! You know! You know!” The sound became a mantra. “You know, You know,” he repeated as he passed and pointed to each one of us, dancing faster and faster and faster. The two words became a rhythmic beat that cast a spell on every one of us. The animals hummed in monotone. The chant grew louder, and then softer, then high pitched, then low. ”You know! Know! You know! Know! Youknow, youknow.... You. You. You. Know Know Know now!”


1 comment:

  1. So powerful, this inner knowing, and you write eloquently about it.


About the Author

After spending several years in Public Relations initiating and organizing award-winning multi-state community relations projects on behalf of a global telecommunications company, Judith Hensel has written her first fictional book, THE QUESTION. “What Happened to the Animal-Human Spiritual Connection?” The book is a fantasy about characters created out of real life people who join the animals in an imaginary setting to find the answer to their question. Among articles published about the book’s premises, one article “Evolving in a Conscious Universe,” was published in QUEST, international Theosophical Journal in 2003; and inspired the magazine’s content theme. As former Associate Professor of Art and Humanities, St. Xavier University, Chicago, she received numerous awards as an artist and teacher including special recognition by the Associated Press and the Governor of Illinois. She wrote and directed two critically acclaimed rock operas, “Hosanna!” and “Taproot” performed by student talent as well as talent from across the Chicago region to sell-out audiences. Her artwork is in several private collections in Australia, the Netherlands, New York, Illinois, California, Colorado and Wisconsin; and for several years was available at the Art Institute of Chicago rental gallery. She holds the MSA in Painting and Graphics, University of Wisconsin; and the MA in Communications/Television Production, University of Illinois-Chicago Campus.

Paintings by the author.