In earlier times, people understood their connection with animals to be a spiritual principle. The original stories about the sacredness of all life can be found on walls of caves and temples and the first ancient writings. This original knowledge still exists in the basic writings of world religions and philosophies. Yet, virtually no Western religion today teaches its adherents how to practice compassion toward all species and how to protect the natural world.

What happened?

Could misinterpretation of the religions’ texts, and an incomplete understanding of the meaning of spirituality be why the human species continues to cause pain and anxiety upon the other animal world -- as shown by unnecessary animal experimentation, inhumane slaughtering methods, using animals in “sport” and entertainment, and the wanton destruction of animals who live in the wild.

What happened?

When and why did the other animals become invisible in our spiritual adventure? Why did we place ourselves over and above all other animals in some sort of hierarchal system? Did the separation come about simply because of our material wants and needs? Or, are there reasons that we have yet to imagine -- beyond religion, science, and history?

What happened?

Monday, November 12, 2012


           MARCH 2013.  My friend's cat is missing.  He has an ID chip that could serve to get him back to her. She has posted fliers all over town, contacted the local humane societies, veterinarians, and animal control; worked with an animal communicator, regularly goes to feral cat locations calling his name.  For many of us, the loss of a beloved four-legged or feathered friend is as devastating as the loss of a human friend.  My friend continues to believe he is alive, and fervently hopes for his return some day.  So do I.  Wanting to somehow comfort her, I sent her some materials validating what she innately knows:  Soul energy is present in all human and non-human animals.
            Years ago, I attended a psychical conference at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Someone announced to the 2000 parapsychologists and scientists in attendance that a new phenomenon, a spiritual entity named SETH, * was revealing himself to Jane Roberts in the presence of witnesses who were taking SETH's revelations about consciousness very seriously.  From the moment I began to study SETH's communications which were carefully recorded by Jane's husband Rob Butts, my sense of reality changed completely.  I was in good company. His materials influenced Deepak Chopra and many others seeking universal truths about existence.  I perused the ten volumes of Seth materials page by page, and transcribed every word Seth said about the spiritual lives of the non-human animals as well as the place of non-human animals in our spiritual lives. 
             Seth proposed that levels of conscious intelligence are not hierarchical as established by modern science and religions.  The presence of soul is not an exclusive human experience.  He announced that all species including the insects are aspects of universal consciousness.
            For example, in one of his sessions Seth reminded a group "animals do not 'think' of long lives or short lives, but of a brilliant present, which in a way… has no beginning or end… Time… does not exist for them…” 
             When their cat became quite ill, Seth told Jane and her husband Rob Butts, “Your cat’s consciousness never was dependent upon its physical form.  Instead, consciousness itself chose the experience of cathood.  There was nothing that said: 'This consciousness must be a cat.'
            …”There is no such thing as a cat consciousness, basically speaking, or a dog or a bird consciousness. In those terms, there are instead simply consciousnesses that chose to take certain focuses…  If there is no consciousness 'tailored' to be a cat's or a dog's then there is no prepackaged, predestined, particular consciousness that is meant to be human, either...
                 "You both knew Billy was about to die.  So did the plants in your house, and the trees outside your door…  The strong possibility exists -- that the birth and death of each cell is known to all cells in the world…”  
            I sent my friend some of SETH's comments knowing she would be moved by his revelations  that in true reality, we cannot be separated from each other.  She and her cat cannot be separated.  Quantum physicists are proving it scientifically.  Then, why have so many people abandoned their spiritual connection with the other animals?  What happened?  

             *The Seth materials were channeled by Jane Roberts and carefully transcribed by Rob Butts in the 1970’s. If we are to look at other examples of channeling, we can agree it has been accepted as a viable source for esoteric information.  The sacred writings of all religions purportedly exist because God(s) communicated (channeled) to scribes who served as their medium.  Early shamans were honored for their ability to communicate with the other worlds.  J.Z. Knight (Ramtha), CW Leadbetter, Notradamus, and Edgar Cayce’s works about universal consciousness are believed by thousands to be proven true messages communicated to humanity from the ethereal plane and/or a spirit guide.  RECOMMEND:
Nov 23, 2008 

POST SCRIPT.  Seventy-five years before Seth communicated to Jane Roberts, a renowned scientist, psychic, and Theosophist C.W. Leadbetter taught -- as the Hindus and Buddhists teach – that the soul does not cease to exist.  He was among the first contemporary scientists to describe the soul as energy that cannot be destroyed.  Dr. Leadbetter acknowledged an indisputable Law of the Universe:  Matter cannot be created nor destroyed; and energy cannot be created or destroyed.  One manifests the other.  They exist simultaneously in all that is seen and unseen.  The pioneering philosopher-scientist’s theory that soul energy is present in all living forms opened doors for modern-day research and contemplation by philosophers and scientists in the Western world. 
            In 1910, Dr. C.W. Leadbetter concluded life exists after death for all beings in his book 
            Inner Life.   “When an individualized animal dies, he has a happy astral life of considerable length during which he usually remains in... his earthly home and in the closest touch with his especial friend and protector...  During all this time he is in a state analogous to that of a human being in the heaven-world…”  C.W. Leadbetter's metaphysical work is currently being studied as not only possible, but probable by modern scientists.  Today, scientists are acknowledging he channeled accurately the list of Chemical Elements in the early 1900's; and affirmed his work in the 1970's.

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About the Author

After spending several years in Public Relations initiating and organizing award-winning multi-state community relations projects on behalf of a global telecommunications company, Judith Hensel has written her first fictional book, THE QUESTION. “What Happened to the Animal-Human Spiritual Connection?” The book is a fantasy about characters created out of real life people who join the animals in an imaginary setting to find the answer to their question. Among articles published about the book’s premises, one article “Evolving in a Conscious Universe,” was published in QUEST, international Theosophical Journal in 2003; and inspired the magazine’s content theme. As former Associate Professor of Art and Humanities, St. Xavier University, Chicago, she received numerous awards as an artist and teacher including special recognition by the Associated Press and the Governor of Illinois. She wrote and directed two critically acclaimed rock operas, “Hosanna!” and “Taproot” performed by student talent as well as talent from across the Chicago region to sell-out audiences. Her artwork is in several private collections in Australia, the Netherlands, New York, Illinois, California, Colorado and Wisconsin; and for several years was available at the Art Institute of Chicago rental gallery. She holds the MSA in Painting and Graphics, University of Wisconsin; and the MA in Communications/Television Production, University of Illinois-Chicago Campus.

Paintings by the author.