In earlier times, people understood their connection with animals to be a spiritual principle. The original stories about the sacredness of all life can be found on walls of caves and temples and the first ancient writings. This original knowledge still exists in the basic writings of world religions and philosophies. Yet, virtually no Western religion today teaches its adherents how to practice compassion toward all species and how to protect the natural world.

What happened?

Could misinterpretation of the religions’ texts, and an incomplete understanding of the meaning of spirituality be why the human species continues to cause pain and anxiety upon the other animal world -- as shown by unnecessary animal experimentation, inhumane slaughtering methods, using animals in “sport” and entertainment, and the wanton destruction of animals who live in the wild.

What happened?

When and why did the other animals become invisible in our spiritual adventure? Why did we place ourselves over and above all other animals in some sort of hierarchal system? Did the separation come about simply because of our material wants and needs? Or, are there reasons that we have yet to imagine -- beyond religion, science, and history?

What happened?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


This is an insightful and significant book that I truly recommend.  It will reveal not only another aspect of the other animals in our One family, but also a different view of ourselves.  I have to ask however, how can humanity -- as a whole -- connect with, and treat well, the rest of the animal kingdom when we are disconnected from, and treat appallingly, oiur own selves and humanity?  Now, there's a question!    Michael J. Roads, Australia.
Talking with Nature; Journey Into Nature; Journey Into Oneness; Into a Timeless Realm;Through the Eyes of Love; Journeying with Pan:  Books one, Two and Three.  (Personified in the QUESTION as TEACHER and SAGE.)

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to walk a mile in the shoes of all the creatures with whom we share this planet, and the disastrous effects our modern worldview has had on them, then you’ll want to read The Question: What Happened to the Animal-Human Spiritual Connection? Judy Hensel takes us on a sacred journey through creaturehood’s recent experiences with humanity, and inspires a new way in which to heal and reinvigorate our ancient spiritual connection with them.  Paul M. Helfrich, author Seth: the Ultimate Guide

I cried when I read the intro on the side of the cover of The Question to Ella Bittel (Spirits in Transition) and another friend this morning.  Whew. Thanks so much for sending… I commented (about it) on PrimeTime to Jane Fonda and got a message back from her… said it’s great too.  Much love and light and deep appreciation. Elele!  Linda Tellington-Jones, PhD (Hon)  Founder The Tellington TTouch Training Inc.  (Personified in the QUESTION asTHE HEALER.)

  It is very unusual for me to read an entire book when someone sends it to me for a testimonial or review. I usually pick out passages to get the gist. However, I enjoyed reading “The Question.” Your book  was very compelling, interesting, and well-written. I loved the whole scenario of Sanctuary: the visual, the energetic changes, the characters.   Penelope Smith, Anima Mundi Incorporated. (Personified in the QUESTION as THE COMMUNICATOR.)

GIVING VOICE TO THE ANIMALS.  The author challenged me - and archetypal leaders through the ages - to look at her dilemma with "beginners mind."  Her visual artistry comes through in a fantastical story nicely shored up by intensive research. As a result, I have a new understanding of the damage done by our long-held belief that humans have absolute dominion over the animals. The voices she gives to Dog, Wolf, Pig and the others affected me more than any strictly "intellectual" argument could have.   A. Guisto, poet, Chicago.                                                                                

An “aha moment” crept up on me midway through the book, as animals are personified and great human thinkers are trivialized. You must discover the contentment resulting from learning that the human animal is indeed ONE with the animal world. This realization must be shouted from the highest mountain; we must elevate our reverence for the animal world and every spirit within! A sustainable planet depends upon it.                               Jim K.  Stuart, FL 

 … While answering "the question" the author presented many other conflicts to think about. Humans are so good at rationalizing beliefs, and behavior. My personal spiritual connection to the "other animals" is deep. I'm one human, connected. The book reminded me, though, that I could be doing more to influence a greater connection by others. We are one."        North Carolina

"The Question" .... answered beautifully!  The animals come alive for the reader and offer a beautiful answer for us to consider -- that humans and animals live on this planet together.  We must embrace that wonderful relationship.
                      Barb W. Chicago
Thank you for reminding me how my spiritual life is unmistakably enhanced by the animals around me AND reminding me of the animal in me.   Emelia W. Boulder CO
I just finished reading your book. You have done a remarkable job in getting your message out there in a way that is thoughtful, intelligent and provoking. These are very difficult topics to broach, but you have managed to combine a rational presentation of facts with an entertaining story and touches of humor. No one who reads your words can be unaffected. There is so much to process! Your ideas will linger and, for those who are conscious and ready, offer a more expansive view of who we are and our place in the oneness of which we are all a part.  You have persevered on this path that you believe so passionately must be followed.  Congratulations!                                                              Dorothy J. Taos.

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About the Author

After spending several years in Public Relations initiating and organizing award-winning multi-state community relations projects on behalf of a global telecommunications company, Judith Hensel has written her first fictional book, THE QUESTION. “What Happened to the Animal-Human Spiritual Connection?” The book is a fantasy about characters created out of real life people who join the animals in an imaginary setting to find the answer to their question. Among articles published about the book’s premises, one article “Evolving in a Conscious Universe,” was published in QUEST, international Theosophical Journal in 2003; and inspired the magazine’s content theme. As former Associate Professor of Art and Humanities, St. Xavier University, Chicago, she received numerous awards as an artist and teacher including special recognition by the Associated Press and the Governor of Illinois. She wrote and directed two critically acclaimed rock operas, “Hosanna!” and “Taproot” performed by student talent as well as talent from across the Chicago region to sell-out audiences. Her artwork is in several private collections in Australia, the Netherlands, New York, Illinois, California, Colorado and Wisconsin; and for several years was available at the Art Institute of Chicago rental gallery. She holds the MSA in Painting and Graphics, University of Wisconsin; and the MA in Communications/Television Production, University of Illinois-Chicago Campus.

Paintings by the author.